Let's see, stuff with the neighbors is going well. Emily is teaching swimming lessons to a bunch of the kids, so while she is getting splashed in the face, I get to sit next to the moms and hang out.
Oooh, yesterday we made sugar cookies with some of the kids, that was fun...and we strategically gave them our plates so that they would have to bring them back. Mwaahaha! Tricky for the Kingdom!

Oh, and let me just say that God has been encouraging my socks off the past two weeks!
Sunday I got to see two friends of mine from Cumberland. I was planning on going to visit one of my besties, Ashley who was visiting a family about an hour south of me. While we were planning, she asked if I could pick up our other friend, Michelle (who I ran track with my freshman year) on the way down. It turned out that Michelle was directly

on the way! What a blessing(She was actually staying on the same campus that I am going to be doing my internship at this fall...I know, small world.)!
So I went and picked up Michelle and it was so good to just have time in the car to talk to her. I have not seen her since she graduated after my freshman year, and let me tell you, God really encouraged me through her. She has been a missionary in Asia for the past three years, and is here on furlough.
In this picture we are pretending to be with one of our friends, Jessica (long story for some other time).
Other encouraging things are happening at work and stuff. Except for the sad fact that Ben and Natalie are moving to Hawaii :(
Last cool thing before I have to run. The other night we went to get frozen yogurt for my friend's birthday. Some of us did not want any, so we were waiting on the benches outside. My school president and another professor walked up and they each introduced me to their wives. It was just cool cause I was not so sure that they knew me, but I guess they do (I hope that is a good thing, haha).
Maybe more later, but I have to go! Hasta!
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