I have a hard time being still sometimes. I just don't like wasting time. I don't like wasting anything really, but that is beside the point. This is the story of how Emily and I enjoyed God for an afternoon.
Lately I have been in this crazy funk. I can't seem to figure out what God is trying to teach me. I have been really really selfish for the past two weeks, and I am allowing my feelings manifest themselves. Ugh! I hate hate hate being selfish. I really hate being in this place, where everything makes me irritable, and where I have to work so hard to love people. But I don't want it to pass yet. I really want to know what God is trying to produce in me.
Anyways, yesterday after class, Emily and I went to the beach and just enjoyed God's creation.
The sun was so soft on our skin. It was warm, but not harsh. God allowed the sun to kiss my skin without burning me and causing me pain. I read Romans, and meditated upon chapter 8. It is so good. I am starting to think that the reason that I am in this "blah" state of being is that my whole self is groaning for the future glory that is to come. So, right now I am trying to process how I am able to enjoy God and his creation, and what my "groanings" tell me about this life. Hmmmm.....

Romans 8 talks about how the whole creation is groaning as it waits eagerly for the future glory. More on this later, but for now...go read Romans and then go back and meditate on chapter 8.
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