This year Disneyland has a special promotion that lets people get into the park for free on their birthdays! Monday was my birthday, and so I took full advantage of the opportunity. My sister, Brittany, my roommate, Sarah, and I headed down to Anaheim early Monday morning.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Space Mountain
This year Disneyland has a special promotion that lets people get into the park for free on their birthdays! Monday was my birthday, and so I took full advantage of the opportunity. My sister, Brittany, my roommate, Sarah, and I headed down to Anaheim early Monday morning.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
His grace is sufficient.
A whole new world
Friday, April 24, 2009
subtraction and addition
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
my clothes smell spicy
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The one thing that I know
Thursday, April 16, 2009
ask wertz
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
The King is worthy of his throne
This is something I wrote at the beginning of March, when we first started praying together. I just wanted to share it with you because meditating upon it has caused me to ascribe more worth to our King.
We are so excited all day because tonight we are meeting together to go before the King. He has given us the opportunity to come before his throne. We come to him to hear what he desires his kingdom to look like. We come as listeners, eager to hear his heart. We praise him for his wisdom and his goodness. We love him because of his faithful love. We thank him for his mercy and forgiveness. We adore him for his beauty and we need him because of his grace. He is such a good King.
We rejoice at the privilege to kneel at his feet, yet as we bend in humility, he looks at us and says, “Stand, my children. Jesus has defeated the enemy. You have received the faith to come before me, and you have received the grace to stand before me.” Just to be near him is nerve-racking, but we can approach him with confidence. Like a loving father, He allows us to ask him to grant our requests. And whatever we ask, we receive from Him because we are we are asking the things that are pleasing to him. We confess that sometimes we mess up, but He has already forgiven us, and He lets us know that His plan for his kingdom is greater than our vision of it.
We are speechless as we leave the throne room, trying to realize what has just taken place. The Holy, Infinite, Creator King has just allowed us to entertain him with our presence. We look foreword to the good things that He will do, confidently expecting Him to add more subjects to his kingdom. Tomorrow we will watch as he grants our requests, and we are eager to go into his throne room and worship him again, because He is so worthy.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Chasing the sunset
The friday before last, we went to the beach to see the sunset over the ocean. When we got there we played on the sand for a bit.
peppermint coffee
Monday, April 6, 2009
a little bit of lovin'
Friday, April 3, 2009
I am realizing how restless I am in my heart. Recently I realized (thanks to Lauri) that all of the moving around that I have done in the past few years has been due to the restlessness in my heart. I don’t know if now I am learning to control that restlessness, or if it is going away, but I think that the evidence points towards the former. During this project, I have been searching for the ideal situation. I have gone to three different beaches, and now I am at Starbucks, determined to stay here until I finish. And its not like this is totally unlike me. Usually I spend more time thinking about doing something and preparing to do it and trying to figure out the best way to do it, that I end up running out of time to do it properly and effectively. I don't know if this restlessness is due, as i just mentioned, to my longing for the ideal situation, or if it is because I really just want to be doing something else (living overseas), but I think that both are true, and neither are okay.
If I am longing to go overseas, and I have this idea that only when I am among an unreached people group will I be happy. If that continues to be my mindset, then I will never be happy. The only thing that will ever truly satisfy me is God himself.
And this ideal-ness that I am pursuing points to two things. One: I am longing for future glory. I know that this is not the way that things are supposed to be, but I need to learn to live in the reality that this is a fallen world, and that people and situations are not going to be perfect (It goes back to the satisfaction thing- I cannot look for satisfaction in people and situations; I have to let the grace of God satisfy me.).
Two: it does not really point to this, but it leads me to this conclusion: I am missing out on so much because I am waiting for the perfect everything to come along. For instance, for a while now, I have been praying for a mentor. I am so unwilling to settle for anything less than Jesus himself, and so I am missing out on all of the wonderful wisdom and guidance that the women who are already in my life have. Baaah. Well, today is a good time to start living in these realities. Thank you Father for graciously allowing me to see these things.